Observable Framework Experiments

Markdown content goes here.

This will output 1870:

Use js echo as the tag and the code is output too:

34 * 55

Here's the current date and time, updating constantly:

The same thing as an inline string:

Fetching data

fetch() can be used to fetch data. Here's recent Datasette news:

const news = await fetch(
).then(r => r.json())

Outputting just news displays the data with an interactive object explorer:


Or use Inputs.table() to show it as a table. I filtered out the rowid column here:

Inputs.table(news.map(({ rowid, ...rest }) => rest))

Let's display the most recent three items directly, using the html tag in a JavaScript block:

<h2>Latest Datasette news</h2>
  ${news.slice(0, 3).map(
    item => html`<h3>${item.date}</h3>
      ${html({raw: [parse(item.body)]})}</p>`)
import {parse} from "npm:marked";